Sustainable, caring, elderly friendly,
organic, regenerative future?
The project was originally initiated by a community member of Jánoshida, in 2020.
Peter Sziraki, who himself is a carer and an ex-ambulance-worker, responded to a rural development concept of Hekate Conscious Ageing Foundation (HCAF) and the dialogue has began between Mayor Eszes Béla, Péter and HCAF.
As a result, the Municipality of Jánoshida and HCAF worked out a joint vision and a cooperation framework called JANOSHIDA2030, in order to further develop the already significant elderly-care related services of the village.
Our joint aim is to create a European model of elderly-friendly and environmentally sustainable modern settlements.

Jánoshida is a village of approx. 2500 inhabitants on an area of 34 km2. With about 830-year-old history, the village is rich in cultural heritage.
In 2020, 2015 and 2010 Jánoshida was awarded as "Elderly-friendly Municipality" by the County Assembly of Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok.

JANOSHIDA2030 is a complex rural development project that responds to many major issues of our current times.
Our vision is to build a modern, progressive, sustainable European model village that offers community based solutions to the care-crisis and the climate-crisis at the same time.
Our aims are to create an elderly-friendly social ecosystem, to encourage young people to stay and find meaningful local employment, to go carbon neutral by using renewable energy and to grow our own food locally.

Elderly-care and care in general are in the very heart of the community. Care related infrastructures and networks are in the focus of local development. Complex care-centered education, community development and social infrastructure development also play an important role in the village.

Europe is ageing. Individuals, communities, nations and indeed the EU as a whole must rethink their strategies around how to support active and healthy ageing.
The care-crisis is already causing a lot of pain and financial burden on families.
The JANOSHIDA2030 project offers a solution.

Janoshida has a lot to offer in terms of sport and community. We believe that these two are important cornerstones of a wholesome ageing society.

One of the major characteristics of the JANOSHIDA2030 project is that it is based on Permaculture ethics and principles: "the Earth care", "People Care", "Fair Share".
Local organic food production, food sovereignty, short supply chains and circular economy are key principles in the development.

Janoshida2030 is a community owned and community lead development. Social diversity and inclusion are all assets that we build upon. We are confident that autonomous, strong and resilient local communities, with solidarity centered local governance are the key social engines to build a sustainable future.

Small, ageing Hungarian villages often have rather small ecological footprints and high biodiversity already, especially compared to larger settlements. In the framework of Janoshida2030 our intention is to gear that up by introducing even more local regenerative ecological, food producing and circular economy related systems and services.
The aim of the JANOSHIDA2030 project is to create a modern and flourishing village life that offer meaningful employment to locals. It also aims to welcome elders from other European countries willing to settle down in an elderly-friendly social ecosystem.

Many villages in Hungary have huge environmental, social and economic potential. This potential is often unutilized.
Since 1998, when I first became Mayor, I keep working on changing that. My focus is always on how to improve lives and livelihoods of the members of this community.
Jánoshida is a beautiful place with the River Zagyva flowing through. The village is rich in cultural heritage and natural resources. Bigger towns (Cegléd, Jászberény) and Budapest are not far, the airport is only an hour away.
Responding to the changes in demographics both in the village and Europe as a whole, my intention is to create a super-modern yet close-to-Nature, sustainable village environment that welcomes people willing to age actively and consciously.
Jánoshida, Hungary

Europe is ageing and our societies face several challenges. We, at Hekate Conscious Ageing Foundation, strongly believe that ageing can be turned into opportunities on all individual, community and social levels.
One of our aims is to create, build and maintain spaces, where members of the communities can live a meaningful and healthy life regardless of their age, sex, nationality, educational background, ethnicity, religion, etc.
We are absolutely delighted to work together with members the of Jánoshida community to make this joint JANOSHIDA2030 vision come true.
Hekate Conscious Ageing Foundation
from team members